
All the best offers

Gone are the days of making dozens of phone calls, sending text messages and emailing everyone.

Browse the offers.
Regardless if you are looking to sell or buy something, you can always feel the pulse of the market on MeatBorsa. With prices!
Find what you are looking for.
Narrow your search by meat type, state, article, or packages. No more huge PDFs and Excel files in your email.
Get notified.
Configure MeatBorsa to send you an email whenever a new offer for a meat type you are interested appears. Never miss a great deal again.
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Grow your business

Sell something today.

Instantly offer your meat to hundreds of companies all over Europe.

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Answer all the questions.
Free up your time and stop answering emails and phone calls. Standardize way to provide all information about meat you are selling.
Provide images.
Image is worth a thousand words. In meat business, it is thousands of euros.
Guarantee the quality with certificates.
Give your buyers peace of mind by selecting all the certificates in advance.
Define Incoterms.
Make it easy for people to calculate and organize transportation.
Run an auction.
Why sell to the first person, when you could sell to the highest bidder. It is all about margins.
Accept offers.
Wait for the best moment to make the deal. Next week price may be better.

Easy sharing

One link. All information.

You can still make offers to your partners, even if they are not yet on MeatBorsa.

Super easy sharing.
Copy a link; send all the info about your offer. Works on Viber, WhatsApp, SMS...
Automatically change price.
If a price goes up, change it on MeatBorsa once - no need to send the new PDF to everyone.
Invite people to bid.
Take the best offer. Not the first offer.
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